Employee Work Schedule Screen

Use the Employee Work Schedule screen to schedule leave or if required, to submit a leave request, and to review leave balances.

Supervisors can use the screen to accomplish the following tasks:

  • View current, past, or future employee work schedules
  • Update employee work schedules
  • Request or schedule leave for employees
  • Approve or reject employee leave requests

For companies that select the option to generate timesheets for groups of employees, the Generate Timesheet utility uses employee work schedules to determine an employee's work days and total work hours, vacation days, and holidays for the timesheet period.

Access to and functions within the Work Schedule screen are determined by rights assigned for your security role and functional role, and by the schedule rights set up for your timesheet class.


To display the Manage Work Schedule screen, complete the following steps:

Click Time & Expense > Time > Timesheets > Manage Work Schedules.


Screen Fields

Field Description

The Search function is available only to supervisors. Searches are limited to those employees for whom you are the designated supervisor.

Click to select the employee work schedule or schedules that you want to display.


The calendar displays the employee work schedule, either your own, or for supervisors, that of any selected employees. When viewing a work schedule, refer to the legend to interpret the color coding.

The calendar is presented in either a monthly or weekly format depending on the following:

  • The format is monthly if only one work schedule is currently displayed, either your own, or if you are supervisor, that of another employee. The monthly format is referred to as the single-employee view.
  • The format is weekly if more than one work schedule is displayed. The weekly format is referred to as the multiple-employee view and is available to supervisors only.

To switch between formats, do the following:

  • In multiple-employee view, click the employee's name.
  • In single-employee view, click Multiple Employee View.

The legend for the calendar provides keys to the color-coding used for each type of day.

If the schedule includes any holiday, pending leave, leave, or off-site hours for a date, that date's color will be the color for the non-standard day, even though it may include some standard work hours as well.

In the multiple-employee view (supervisors only), the hours are shown for each date. If the employee has both standard hours and hours for leave or off-site work scheduled for a date, both the standard work hours and the leave or off-site hours are shown. For example, if the standard hours are 8 and the employee is taking a half day of leave, 8/4 appears for the date.

Leave Balances

The Leave Balances grid shows the number of hours of leave available to the employee, as of the current system date, for each leave type.

The balances are calculated as leave accrued less leave actually taken. Any leave requested or scheduled but not yet taken is still included in the balance amounts.

Pending Leave Requests

Use the options and screen components under Pending Leave Requests to review, approve, reject, or cancel leave requests that are awaiting approval. (Exception: You can only cancel leave requests in the single-employee view.)